Now those that know me were probably chuckling to themselves and thinking, what did she do this time, well I'm happy to inform you that I was not in that court room because of something I had done. I was just there with my boss Shellie, and another newly hired girl named Ashley, reporting on the happenings of District Court.
Court was quite intriguing. Though I can't disclose what happened exactly I can tell you that I defiantly learned a lot while I was there.
But there was one really odd thing that I can tell you about. Here I am, sitting in court, my boss on one side of me and my co worker on the other, all three of us taking notes, and the door opens. In walks in my three guy friends, Kohl, Jarom, and Joseph. They just come struttin in and sit down in the crowd of the cour room. (keep in mind this is public court, anyone can come)
When the Judge called for a break I went over to them and asked what on earth they were doing here. You see, my bishop works in the court house. I'd been working with him all day. And when we took a lunch break my bishop went to a Chinese restaurant, to which the guys had traveled all the way to Fillmore to eat at, and bishop told them they should stop by. And well, being the boys they are of course they did.
Anyways, so we're on break, and a friend of Shellie's asked if we wanted a tour of the jail. (We meaning me Shellie and Ashley) Of course we said yes, then this guy asked if the guys wanted to come along.
So all in all it was a good day, I learned about court, got to see my friends, went on a tour with them and my boss and co worker (who are both completely awesome by the way), and came home to meet my Mentor, Jane Beckwith. Who is teaching me about Journalism and is also teaching my partner in crime K.P. about photography. Yep, that's a good day to me.
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